Saturday, July 13, 2024

Sawtooth Lake Loop

Date: July 13, 2024.

Partners: Solo.

Stats: 20 miles, 4,200ft gain in 7:30.

Links: StravaIdaho: A Climbing Guide.

The Sawtooths are just about perfect for a one day get away from my house.  I went into the Grandjean trailhead to do the Sawtooth Lake loop counter clockwise.  I've done it the other way and remembered it was was great.  So I figured I'd get some good time on feet and I could also investigate a few peaks, mainly Mount Regan from this direction.  

I knew the day was going to be warm, but it started nice and cool in the canyon of the South Fork of the Payette River.

There's a lot of daylight this time of year, so I didn't see a great need to hit it super early.

I did remember how horrendous going down the North Baron Trail was and figured had to suck more going up it.  My suspicion was confirmed.  Hot, brushy and very slow going.

It does mellow out and open up into some good runable trail up high.  I wanted to "look at" the Southeast Ridge on Regan but really didn't think I'd to too far invlolved.  My thought was I "could" check it out and turn around if/ when it got scetchy.  It sounds like the big earthquake in 2020 changed the route and that it now exceeds its previous 4th class rating.

It is very worth noting that this is the least efficient way to approach Regan and I knew that.  One would be much better off approaching from Iron Creek.  

By the time I was actually looking for the ridge, I was tired and really not in the mood for scetchy scrambling and/ or death talus.  Feeling the effects of the heat from the long tough push up North Baron Trail and taking into account that my main objective was to do the loop and being barely half way though it, I decided to just enjoy the view and keep jamming down the trail.

Mount Regan from the east.

From the trail, the route really didn't look bad, but there is reliable beta that says otherwise.  Good enough for me.

North Alpine Peak.

South end of Sawtooth Lake.

Mount Regan above Sawtooth Lake.

More Regan.

Sawtooth Lake is a very busy place on days like today.  

Above McGown Lakes.

The west side of Sawtooth Lake above McGown Lakes was very hot with no shade as expected.

Observation Peak.

Looking south.

The "fun part" was over and all that was left was a long, hot and steep descent to the car.  This was defeinetly a good workout and I really shouldn't have a need to do North Baron Trail ever again.